5 bathroom project you can do in a weekend

Top 5 bathroom updates you can do this weekend lancaster homes

“What can I do today to make my bathroom look better?”

   This question is asked by dozens of Lancaster homeowners on a daily basis. Below you will find what our team says is the quickest and most affordable updates you can do in a weekend to your bathroom and add value instantly!

1. Paint

   Yes, it’s the one item some people dread but it’s also an overnight aesthetic update. With only a couple gallons of high quality Sherwin Williams showcase semi-gloss you can paint your bathroom in less than a day. Our team believes this is the best update you can do when sticking to a low budget and little time. What tools are needed to complete a small project of this nature you may ask? Well for starters a quality paint is a must. As mentioned above Sherwin Williams has a line that we stand by called showcase. They also have a top tier paint called Infinity that has great durability as well. A few more items you can expect to pickup at your local improvement store are listed below.

Paint roller

Paint tray with liners

Painters tape

Plastic for covering vanity and light fixtures

Drop cloth

Paint brush 

Bucket to rinse rollers and brushes to reuse on second coat


2. Light fixtures

   If you are thinking of how to make the room feel bigger then painting and lighting are the best option to help you get that feeling. Now lighting is scary for some homeowners that don’t know much about how electrical systems work but we can assure you with a little homework and the help from YouTube you can definitely get your light fixtures replaced safely and quickly! Our team puts this second on the list because a well lit room is inviting and that’s the feeling you want when taking a nice shower after a long day’s work. You can shop around at Lowes or Home Depot to find a perfect fixture that will bring life back to your bathroom in no time. A project like this could take a minimum of 30 minutes but will make a huge improvement!

3. Vanity

   This improvement may be a little more challenging and take some special tools to get done but, in the end it’s a rewarding feeling that will last for years. When selecting a vanity you need to know your current space and if there’s room to go bigger, stay the same or even go smaller and just add a pedestal sink to get a more open feeling. Once you know what size you will need then shopping around for your best price and look is next. Lancaster has a few building supply stores that you can look into, so hop over to our other post on top 5 building suppliers in Lancaster to find out where you can shop around at and find the best products. Listed below are a list of tools/ items we suggest having on hand when tackling this project. If this is your first time replacing your vanity then you should expect this to take a couple hours. There is no need to rush, this is something that you only want to do once so just remember  “smooth is fast” and you’ll avoid a ton of headaches along the way.



Drill bits

Screw tips


GRK Cabinet screws 

Caulk gun/ caulk

Caulk tool (no need to use your finger)

Hole saw bits


Adjustable Wrench

Plumbers putty

Thread tape

-Optional items-

Replace Faucet supply lines 

Replace P-trap 

4. Fixtures 

It’s the small things that help. When thinking of a bathroom update sometimes fixtures are at the bottom of the list. Replacing your mirror,  towel bars, toilet paper holder and shower fixtures you can add just a small touch of new to your outdated bathroom. These items can be  removed and installed in an hour or two. All you need are the basic tools and a trip to your nearest improvement store. 

5. Flooring

Ok so all the above items are fairly simple installs and this was about quick and affordable updates you can do in a weekend. Well flooring may not completely fit that description but it’s one item we wanted to add because of the value and overall feel you get once installed. When it comes to flooring there are a ton of options such as tile, luxury vinyl planks or sheet vinyls. There of course are more but these are the most common. We will have future posts and videos on our page that can teach you how to install these but for now I want to just keep it simple for you. Whatever you choose, just ensure you find the right materials for your overall design. Our team of installers have come across multiple projects where homeowners pick the materials and later change their mind due to lack of planning. We don’t want you to be that next homeowner. We suggest stopping at your local flooring supply store and picking up a couple samples to take home and see how they look. You could even go as far as getting a box and laying a few square feet out to really gauge the end look. Again, we could really get into depth here but for now we’re going to leave it at that and we highly recommend reaching out if there’s any questions you may have and our team will give a professional opinion on your next steps to get your project complete.

We hope you found this article helpful and if so we would love to hear from you. Please leave a comment and if you would like to see anything specific from our team feel free to email us and let us know what project you would like us to talk about next!

